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Best Times to Post on Social Media

Social Media

When penning the perfect tweet or building the ideal infographic to share on Facebook, social media marketers put in a lot of effort, but it won’t matter if no one sees your post or tweet. Identifying the optimal time to publish on social media will help you expand your reach and engage more of your followers, and it can be done in just a few simple steps.

This comprehensive resource breaks down the optimal times to post on social media by industry, time of day, weekday, and channel. We hope that this information will assist you in better targeting your content more effectively and increasing interaction. We looked at data from 14 different industries in North America to see how engaged people are.

Here are some of the essential points to remember:

  • Although most brands post or tweet between 10 am and 4 pm, this isn’t always the optimal time to do so.
  • On weekdays, try posting during dinner or bedtime on Instagram.
  • On Twitter, the early morning hours are a gold mine.
  • Try weekend blogging if you haven’t already–especially in the evenings. It may not be appropriate for all brands, but it is an excellent opportunity to reach out to your internet following.
  • Using native analytics or a social media analytics solution, experiment and discover the optimal times to publish on social for yourself and your competition.

Instagram is the best place to post at the moment.

We like to proclaim that Instagram is the most popular social media platform, and the statistics back us up: average engagement rates on Instagram are 30% higher than Facebook and nearly 300% higher than Twitter, according to our Social Media Industry Benchmark Report, so it’s critical to make the most of your Instagram posts.

According to our Social Media Industry Benchmark Report, typical engagement rates on Instagram are 30 percent greater than on Facebook and roughly 300 percent higher than on Twitter, so it’s vital to make the most of your Instagram postings.

Let’s look at how to understand the embedded data below before we go into the rankings. We calculated the average engagement rate for a large group of businesses over a day, then compared whether engagement rates during that period were better or worse than their specific content and by how much. See how engagement rates differ from the average with the temperature indicator (red is bad, blue is good). A 1.3 ratio in dark blue, for example, shows that a brand’s average engagement rate has increased by 30%. For added data accuracy, this method positions brands in relation to one another.

The size of each dot represents the relative volume of posting in each time slot, which might help you gauge how popular a specific time slot is. To get a clear sense of how to apply these findings to your brand, you should look at both the engagement rate ratio and the volume of posts in each period. Just though the overnight slot has a high interaction rate ratio doesn’t mean it’ll help your company or sector succeed on social media.

Read More: The Top 10 Facebook Best Practices for 2021

Toggle between industries using the drop-down option.

As previously said the optimal time to post on any channel is unique to your brand and merits further investigation and testing. Following are some major Instagram takeaways:

Attempt to post later in the weekday: The most saturated timeslot on Instagram of any we looked at is 10 am-1 pm, which explains the alarming red circles that indicate a decline in engagement. For a boost in involvement, try moving away from lunchtime and into supper and bedtime.

Experiment with weekend posting: With most weekday slots averaging average engagement and most weekend slots averaging above-average engagement, it’s evident that most brands are focusing their posting on the weekday. If you’re not getting the interaction you want throughout the week, try reaching out to your followers on weekends while they’re relaxing at home.

When is the best time to post on Instagram?

In Instagram’s main app, you can see when your followers are online, and you can further dig into your data with a tool. We’ll go over both choices with you.

To use Instagram Insights to discover the optimal time to publish, go to your profile page and then to the Insights tab. select your Total Follower and then scroll down to the bottom of your follower breakdown to uncover your most active hours to uncover your Audience insights. When your Instagram followers are signed in and liking, commenting, or saving your material, this is known as busy time.

Using the option at the bottom right, you can easily switch between your best posting times and days. For even more data, use the selector in the upper left to choose between Insights that go back 7 and 30 days.

Check out an app if you want to travel further back in time or compare your best times to post on social media versus your competitors.

The same 30-day retrospective from Instagram’s native tools is presented in a more digestible way here. Our followers are active on Instagram throughout the week, but noon is the best time to reach out to them with a post or video.

We will assist you in understanding how your posting activity links to engagement rate by day and time for even more information on the optimal time to publish on Instagram. Don’t forget to look at the dotted grey line, which compares your average activity and engagement rates by day and hour to those of your main competitors. This competitive perspective is beneficial for gaining an advantage over your competition by allowing you to schedule your posts when your followers are most active and interested.

When is the best time to post on social media?

Even if Instagram is the engagement juggernaut, it’s still critical to target your fans on Facebook when they’re most engaged.

Here are a few critical trends for posting on Facebook at the ideal time and day:

Move away from lunchtime: Similar to Instagram, weekday mornings and afternoons see the most posting, but they don’t have anything to show for it in terms of engagement. To determine if you can catch your followers outside of work, try a few early-morning or late-night Facebook posts.

Try publishing on weekends: Brands are reporting higher-than-average engagement rates on Facebook on weekends, especially when they post outside of the hours of 10 am and 4 pm.

Are your brand’s visibility and likes on Facebook guaranteed because of the more significant activity on Saturday nights? Certainly not. The optimal time to publish on Facebook is ultimately unique to your brand, so conduct some research and testing to determine when your fans are online and customize your posts accordingly.


Between August and October 2020, we looked at posting trends on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for over 2,000 firms. To investigate the impact of coronavirus on brands in 2020, we looked at the same group of businesses from 14 different industries that we looked at in our Social Media Industry Benchmark Report.

Read More: Facebook Marketing Tips for Social Media Ads

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