What Does It Mean To Be An Ad Expert?
In this article, we’ll discuss a digital advertising expert in particular.
As a result, this will be someone who is knowledgeable with both social media and Google advertising.
So, here’s a fast rundown of everything an ad specialist should be able to do:
- Copywriting
- Create graphic design or video content (for the creatives)
- Navigate numerous ad platforms and learn everything there is to know about them (so this is more than just basic entry level knowledge that most people have today)
- To make informed decisions, read and comprehend advertising analytics.
- Effectively communicate the ad results to anyone else on the team that requires them.
- Plan and execute an A/B test strategy to get the best results for the least amount of money.
- Effectively manage an advertising budget
- As time passes, track and optimize the campaign’s performance.
The items in that list, for the most part, are self-explanatory.
But we’d like to dig a little deeper into the one about navigating and understanding ad platforms because there’s a lot to it.
When it comes to being a digital advertiser, the most prevalent thought is, “I need to learn how to use the ad platform.”
How to build an ad, how to set up an ad account, and so on.
We’ve also seen videos on YouTube where people boast about taking Google’s free online programs to become “Google certified.”
But we’re telling you right now that all of that is the bare minimum in this day and age.
Don’t get us wrong: we’ve taken Google certification tests and their training programs are excellent, however, all of their certification test answers are available online.
This means you can have one window open for the test and another for the answers.
So just because someone is “Google-certified” doesn’t guarantee they know how to operate a profitable Google ad campaign.
I’m just being honest with you.
Now, we’re not saying you shouldn’t go ahead and get Google certified.
It’s a free resource, so go ahead and use it if you intend to take it seriously and use it as a learning tool.
But keep in mind that becoming Google certified isn’t a one-stop shop for becoming or being perceived as an all-around ad specialist.
So, we believe this begs the question: how can you become an advertising expert? So, without further ado, let’s get started on how you can make it happen!
5 Steps To Becoming An Expert In Digital Advertising
Step #1. Take it one step at a time and learn one advertising platform at a time.
There’s a lot to learn about Google Ads, Facebook Ads Manager, and any other social media advertising platform you’re utilizing.
As a result, you should probably master one advertising platform before going on to the next.
Furthermore, once you’ve mastered one advertising platform, the others become much easier to grasp…
…since many of them follow the same basic structure but utilize somewhat different tools or language.
As a result, you should focus on mastering the platform where your target audience spends the most time.
Step #2. Invest in a couple of training courses.
We realize we just said that being “Google certified” isn’t as valuable as it once was, but we didn’t say “Don’t take it!”
If you intend to take the programs seriously, we did indicate that it is a free resource and learning tool for you to learn about Google advertisements.
You may find a variety of training programs for both Google and social media advertising on the internet.
Again, we don’t want this essay to come out as a slam on Google certifications.
We’ll say it again: take them if you’re completely new to this and simply want to get started, because they’re free, and what have you got to lose?
But this article is about being an ad specialist, not merely knowing how to perform advertising.
As a result, you’ll want to invest in a training program that’s a little more advanced and eager to reveal trade secrets.
This is the most difficult phase, but it is also the most important.
It’ll take some time, so factor it into your plans.
Remember that everyone learns differently, and attending a course only once does not guarantee that information will stay in your head forever.
Start putting what you’ve learned into practice.
If you want to maintain your new information and skills, you must put them to use, which brings us to the following step.
Step #3. Get practical experience.
Depending on your end aim, there are a few different approaches you might use.
If you’re a small business owner who wants to learn how to advertise on your own? Then put all you’ve learned into practice in your own company!
If you want to make a living as an advertiser, you may find yourself in a pickle.
“How can I obtain experience if no one will hire me because I don’t have experience?” you might think.
Step #4. Work full-time for an agency or as a freelancer.
After you’ve honed your advertising skills through practice and time spent doing it, you can:
- Apply to a digital marketing firm like Intertech Digital, or start your own business.
- Increase your cost on one of the previously mentioned freelancing websites.
If you’re a small business owner who wants to learn how to advertise your company, you might think this step doesn’t apply to you.
If you’re short on time or burned out, an updated version of this step for SMBs might be to consider collaborating with a digital marketing agency.
We understand that small business owners wear several hats and that their time is valuable. So, if you just require some assistance with your promotional efforts…
…outsourcing to a company like Intertech Digita is a cost-effective option that still allows you to study and develop your skills.
Step #5. Continue to learn and keep current.
You can’t learn digital advertising once, master it, and then be done with it.
Yes, many of the high-level methods and techniques remain the same, but how you implement them can change as new features are released on a regular basis.
Things you learned in the past may become obsolete or unavailable in the future.
For example, Facebook had to adjust and remove several of the targeting choices it had previously.
More Resources: How to Make Your Google My Business Listing Completely Optimized