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What to Do If Your Amazon Seller Account Is Suspended

One of the biggest anxieties for sellers is having their Amazon seller account suspended. Even though your seller account has been suspended, all is not lost. Although the journey is not simple, you CAN take action.

Tips for Drafting a Plan of Action (POA) to Reactivate your Account that is Common Sense

One of the biggest worries for sellers is having their Amazon seller account terminated. It can be very upsetting to receive an email from the Amazon Seller Performance Team informing you that your account has been suspended. We must adhere to Amazon’s policies because, regrettably, the corporation owns its platform and “graciously” gives us access to its customers.

In fact, for any intentional or unintentional breach of Amazon’s terms of service, Amazon has the right to temporarily or permanently restrict your selling privileges (TOS).

On an Amazon seller account that has been suspended, everything is not lost. You have the ability to take action.


Amazon Seller Account

Performance Pitfalls That May Occur

Sellers are required to operate under the company’s strictly regulated performance measures, which cover the following and are in addition to complying with Amazon’s TOS and general guidelines:

  • high rates of order defects
  • shipping delays
  • Pre-fulfillment withdrawals
  • Response times to various consumer questions being slow
  • supplying buyers with accurate tracking numbers

Additionally, Amazon scrutinizes the actual quality of your products based on product safety complaints, trademark infringements, product expiration dates, and claims that you are selling fake or substandard goods.

It is evident that there are numerous and various obstacles that sellers must overcome in order to sell on the biggest e-commerce platform in the world.

The only way to reinstate your account after it has been suspended is to complete a Plan of Action (POA) paper. You are required to expressly recognize and address any problem(s) that Amazon claims caused your account to be suspended in the POA. Additionally, you must detail the specific steps you will take to avoid future instances of this happening again.

At Amazon, know your Audience.

It’s crucial to comprehend the background of Amazon Seller Support and Performance Team resources before we talk about POA specifics.

To automate as much interaction with us sellers as possible, Amazon continues to use artificial intelligence and machine learning tools. More and more of our interactions with Amazon involve software interfaces and programming bots rather than live people.

If you have any doubts, feel free to request the removal of recent complaints made by customers against your seller account. You’ll observe that software automatically accepts or rejects the quick reply you receive.

Additionally, I’ve had more than a dozen interactions with Amazon’s Seller Performance Team, and almost all of them have involved people from India, in my experience.

Read More: How to Sell for Free on Amazon

In Light of Such, the Following Considerations Should be Made when Writing your POA:

Clearly mention that you are attempting to convince someone to restore your account. To improve readability and clarity, write plainly using an outline format with bullets and paragraph breaks.

Avoid unclear references – Don’t use US-specific examples of local news events, groups (such the NBA, ACLU, AFL-CIO), or individuals that the reviewer might find confusing.

Write clear, concise sentences that are straightforward to grasp and read by using short, declarative phrases. In your description, stay away from extraneous phrases, punctuation, and complexity.

Creating an Action Plan

In addition to those context-specific recommendations, keep in mind the following fundamentals while submitting a POA to reinstate your suspended Amazon seller account:

  • Review the email you received from Amazon carefully to understand the specific reasons why your privileges were completely revoked and how the claimed behavior associated with your account was described.
  • To determine where the failure occurred, examine your present inventory management, fulfillment procedures, and customer service standards.
  • Since Amazon expects you to be accountable for the problem, suggest best practices that you can use if there doesn’t seem to be a breakdown. To get some inspiration in this area, look for similar occurrences in the Amazon Seller Forum.

The following elements must be included in your POA once the issue and its resolution have been determined:

  • An expression of regret in which you thank Amazon for the opportunity to sell your products and fully accept responsibility for the problem and its solution
  • An description of how the first unfavorable event happened
  • The steps you took on the customer’s behalf or a specific policy violation to address the first event
  • The most crucial thing is your future actions to avoid a recurrence of the problem.

A “Submit Appeal” button located in the suspension email’s body will take you to the POA form, where you can submit your reinstatement request in accordance with the aforementioned criteria.

There is no assurance that your suspended Amazon seller account will be reinstated once you submit the appeal. Wait a few weeks and be patient. Consider opening a case with seller support to try and kickstart the review if you haven’t heard anything by then. In order to work out a resolution with Amazon, you can also speak with a lawyer who focuses on account reinstatement on

Consider Another Account Suspension Protection

Along with becoming aware with Amazon’s POA procedure, you might want to consider Amazon Seller Suspension Insurance before a suspension, especially if you’re a high-volume, high-revenue seller. Depending on your circumstances, the insurance may help make up a sizable amount of your missed sales while your suspension is being investigated.

Don’t be one of those sellers who, despite the cliche, “don’t plan to fail, they simply fail to plan.” Be prepared with a strong POA response before you need it to give your Amazon business the best chance of success.

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